Who Can Administer Botox Safely and Legally?

Learn who can administer botulinum toxin type A (Botox) safely & legally in different states & provinces. Find out about scope & practice guidelines.

Who Can Administer Botox Safely and Legally?

The minimum degree requirement for most of these professionals is a four-year bachelor's degree in premedicine, biology, or a related science.

Botulinum toxin

is a prescription drug and treatment can only be administered by a licensed dentist or doctor or nurse. In some provinces, naturopaths and pharmacists are also allowed to provide treatments. It is always recommended that professionals contact their local university to confirm scope and practice guidelines, as they may vary by jurisdiction.

Typically, the drug is distributed directly from manufacturers to authorized prescribers. In the United States, Botox can only be legally administered by licensed medical professionals. In most states, this includes nurses, physician assistants, dentists, and doctors; however, some states require medical supervision if administered by nurses or physician assistants, while in other states, nurses are strictly prohibited from administering Botox. In all states, licensed doctors, physician assistants and nurses can give Botox injections and fillers for facial rejuvenation.

In Oregon and California, there are additional guidelines that make a difference for patients seeking treatment. Injectable wrinkle relaxers such as Botox and Dysport, and dermal fillers such as Radiesse must be administered by a physician; a PA, NP or RN is also legally authorized to administer injectables under the supervision of a licensed physician.


is an important factor in facial rejuvenation. Medical professionals who specialize in this field have been trained to use minimally invasive techniques that use neuromodulators such as Botox, Dysport & Xeomin and dermal fillers to restore collagen and volume loss.

Patients and unlicensed professionals cannot purchase Botox for their own use or for commercial procedures not performed under the supervision of a licensed physician. Beauticians are very well educated in how to care for the skin; however, since dermal fillers are placed under the skin and Botox, Dysport and Xeomin are placed inside the facial muscles, this is beyond the scope of their experience and increases the risk of side effects in the patient and poor aesthetic results. The most relevant statutory variations state-by-state concern the identities of individuals authorized to administer Botox and their supervisors, along with the scope of training and certification they must complete before working with Botox patients. Botox (Botulinum Toxin Type A) is an FDA-approved drug made from a neurotoxin produced by the bacteria clostridium botulinum.

Beauticians are not allowed to give Botox injections; however, they can help the doctor, nurse or physician assistant by providing care before and after the procedure. Customers should be very careful when considering “Botox parties”, Botox bars and “beautician injectors”. Professionals authorized to administer Botox under state law can complete necessary continuing medical education prerequisites and Botox certification courses within days. Botox certification programs typically last one to two days, and training often includes similar dermal fillers such as Juvederm, Restalyne, Perlane, Radiesse, and Sculptra.

For example, in California, nurses and physician assistants can give Botox injections but the doctor must first examine the patient and prescribe the procedure.

Raven Yanuaria
Raven Yanuaria

Hipster-friendly web geek. Avid zombie enthusiast. Incurable zombie practitioner. Proud food enthusiast. Infuriatingly humble coffee aficionado. Hardcore pop culture nerd.

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