Will Botox Help Sagging Eyelids?

Botox injections are an effective way of treating hooded eyelids by slightly raising eyebrows and lifting upper lids revealing small amount of skin underneath.

Will Botox Help Sagging Eyelids?

Botox injections are a suitable treatment for hooded eyelids, as they can smooth wrinkles around the eyes, fill gaps, or tighten droopy eyelids. By slightly raising the eyebrow, Botox lifts the upper eyelid and reveals a small amount of eyelid skin. The effects of the neurotoxin will gradually disappear, and the eyebrow muscles will regain their strength. A Botox injection usually lasts about two to three months.

If the eyes look hooded due to pronounced drooping of the eyebrows or a considerable amount of excess eyelid skin, Botox is not effective. The only solution is to surgically remove it by surgery of the upper eyelid. Treatment may last three to seven months, but drooping eyelids usually disappear within four to six weeks. When placed strategically, Botox lifts the forehead and improves heavy upper eyelids.

This is achieved with a completely natural look. Patients often express fear of being frozen or startled. I tell all my patients that Botox is simply a tool. It takes skill and experience to use this tool correctly to achieve natural results without the telltale signs of being treated.

Botox injections, an in-office procedure, work to relax that muscle and thus tighten the sagging skin on the eyelid. Not to mention that Botox helps to dissipate the appearance of wrinkles in and around the eyelid area. These medications are usually safe when injected by a doctor or a trained professional, but there may be side effects. The most common negative reaction to injections in the face is a drooping eyelid, also called ptosis or blepharoptosis. Most people don't have this problem.

About 5% of people receiving Botox will have problems with eyelid drooping. This number drops to less than 1% if an expert doctor gives the injection. You should receive neurotoxin injections only in a medical setting. When it comes to turning back time, Botox is one of the most reliable solutions to minimize fine lines and wrinkles on the face so that you look your best. Like any other treatment, Botox has some potential side effects.

The Center for Aesthetic and Laser Medicine at Dermatology Partners in Tyler, Texas, “In most cases, Botox is a perfectly safe treatment that offers exceptional results, but there are always potential risks associated with any treatment. Droopy eyelid is one of the possible side effects related to treatment with Botox. While this is a relatively rare occurrence, it is important for people to understand the potential risks before proceeding with any cosmetic dermatology treatment. Keep reading to learn more about how Botox can cause droopy eyelids and what you should do to treat this condition. In most cases, drooping eyelid occurs between one and three weeks after treatment, and patients usually experience this adverse effect for only a few weeks. Holman, “It's important to remember that, like Botox treatments, a droopy eyelid is usually temporary.

The effect will disappear after a while. However, if drooping eyelid starts to prevent vision or cause other problems, there are treatment options that you can discuss with your dermatologist. According to Dr. Holman, “The vast majority of patients who experience drooping eyelids after treatment with Botox do not require any treatment. The side effect is usually mild and temporary.

However, if the droopy eyelid inhibits vision or does not begin to improve, there are some options available to address the problem. Even if you don't need intervention, you should tell your dermatologist about your response, so they can adjust any future Botox treatment to further minimize the risk of side effects such as ptosis. Holman, “It's always best to keep your eyelids from drooping out before it happens. The first thing you need to do is work with a qualified professional to give you your Botox injections. I know it might seem wise to stop at the neighborhood medical spa, but when you get Botox from these less-skilled professionals, you're at greater risk of experiencing the adverse effects of Botox. In addition, you should be sure to tell your doctor if you have taken muscle relaxants, blood thinners, sleeping pills or allergy medications in the past few months. If you have had an adverse response to any of the ingredients in Botox, latex or have generally sensitive skin, Botox may not be the best treatment to meet your needs. Finally, if you have been diagnosed with Bell's palsy or have had a traumatic facial injury in the past, you may need to make sure your dermatologist knows this history before starting treatment with Botox. Before talking about the possible adverse effects of Botox, it is important to understand what this cosmetic dermatology treatment is.

Performing Botox injections can be tricky because it's important to make sure that the toxin only affects the injected muscles. To learn more about Botox and eyelid surgery in Los Angeles and to determine which method is best for your unique aesthetic needs and goals, schedule a consultation at Eyesthetica. Botox is a natural protein that when injected into the treatment area causes muscles to relax and thus essentially prevents these muscles from tilting down on the forehead. Ptosis -the medical name for drooping eyelids- is a common adverse effect that occurs after Botox when injected treatment spreads to areas around the target injection site. If your hooded eyelids are due to an excessive amount of eyelid skin or due to more pronounced drooping of eyebrows then Botox is not a viable treatment option. That's why it's so important to find a qualified board-certified dermatologist for your Botox treatment. Botox is commonly used to relax specific facial muscles which has an effect of smoothing wrinkles in treated area.

Raven Yanuaria
Raven Yanuaria

Hipster-friendly web geek. Avid zombie enthusiast. Incurable zombie practitioner. Proud food enthusiast. Infuriatingly humble coffee aficionado. Hardcore pop culture nerd.

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