Will Botox Raise My Eyebrows? A Non-Surgical Brow Lift Alternative

Botox injections can be used as a non-surgical alternative for a brow lift. Learn how it works and what results you can expect.

Will Botox Raise My Eyebrows? A Non-Surgical Brow Lift Alternative

When Botox is applied to areas around the eyebrows, the muscles relax and the skin over them becomes softer. This causes the muscles around the eyebrows to stretch upward, raising the eyebrows and making the patient's eyes appear more open. Patients are often delighted to see that they look alert, full of life and rested. A Botox brow lift can help treat dynamic wrinkles or wrinkles that form from movement, such as those between the eyebrows.

It can also raise the height of the eyebrows and be combined with other procedures, such as blepharoplasty or eyelid surgery. Botox can have a subtle effect on lifting the eyelids by raising the eyebrow. It is used to lift the outer tail of the eyebrow, which reveals a small amount of eyelid skin. By injecting Botox in small aliquots into the lower part of the forehead and the outer tail of the eyebrows, both the eyebrow and eyelids will rise. If you are looking for a more profound effect of eyelid lift, you may want to consider blepharoplasty, or eyelid surgery, to remove any excess skin from the eyelid. We can also inject small amounts of Botox above the lateral side of the eyebrows to lift drooping eyebrows and open up the eyes.

By strategically injecting the toxin into key areas of the glabella and eyebrows, it will lift the forehead and give it a more youthful appearance. The Botox brow lift effectively lifts the eyebrows and smooths out wrinkles between them. The procedure is fast, minimally invasive, painless and requires no recovery time. Results usually appear after one week and last up to six months. The amount of lift you receive will vary depending on your age and how much muscle tone is left active to lift those now relaxed muscles. Cosmetic dermatologists use Botox to change the dynamic balance between muscles pulling in different directions.

Many patients combine a Botox brow lift with Fraxel laser resurfacing to smooth out skin surface and fine lines. As mentioned above, it can also be used to combat any vertical lines that have developed between the eyebrows. A surgical brow lift is an invasive procedure that requires general anesthesia, with an incision inside the hairline. Additional Botox injections can be placed at the ends of the eyebrows to help relax those muscles as well. If too much Botox is injected into the forehead, it may make your eyebrow look heavier and move it down, making your eyes look smaller and your eyelids heavier. A brow lift with Botox will remove forehead lines, raise drooping eyebrows and reduce the appearance of an upper eyelid hood.

Another method to enhance its effects is to inject Juvederm above the eyebrow area. For people looking to improve their overall facial appearance, Botox can be combined with other dermal fillers such as Sculptra, Juvederm, Belotero and Restylane. Before receiving Botox injections, your specialist will trace out areas on your face where it will be injected in order to achieve desired results. Michele Green prefers using a subtle but elegant enhancement with botulinum toxin or Botox injections for a non-surgical brow lift. A BOTOX brow lift involves injecting Botox directly between the eyebrows to relax underlying muscles. It weakens corrugator and procerus muscles, allowing for relaxation in central part of forehead while lifting inner part for a non-surgical brow lift.

Raven Yanuaria
Raven Yanuaria

Hipster-friendly web geek. Avid zombie enthusiast. Incurable zombie practitioner. Proud food enthusiast. Infuriatingly humble coffee aficionado. Hardcore pop culture nerd.

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